Trainings by Crawley Community Action in 2024


Crawley Community Action has planned to offer a handful of training this year on volunteering, group development, personal development and workplace attitude requirements. Most of the training courses are FREE, and some with very nominal costs. There is a mix of online and in-person training for the events.

The venue in case of in-person trainings will be at our place – The Orchard, 1-2 Gleneagles Court, Brighton Road, Crawley RH106AD

The courses planned are as follows –


Managing Your Money   

Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024

Time: 1pm to 3.30pm

Venue – The Orchard.

By RPD Foundation

Charities and Not for profits primary focus is always going to be delivering the good work they do – but there needs to be enough in the bank to balance the books and support delivery!

Join Charity expert Accountant and Trustee Darren Harding from RPD/RPD Foundation to learn about managing cash flow, hints and tips on the use of software and presenting your month-to-month accounts as well as those all-important annual ones so they are in the best shape for any stakeholders and potential funders.

We have limited space so reserve your spot for FREE here –



Managing Your governance and protecting yourself   

Date: Thursday, 3 October 2024

Time: 10am to 12.30pm

Venue – The Orchard.

By RPD Foundation

Charities and Not for profits need to know they have a secure foundation to enable them to carry on delivering the good work they do whilst knowing if the worst happened a suitable level of personal protection is in place for those involved.

Join Charity expert Accountant and Trustee Darren Harding from RPD/RPD Foundation to learn about what is the best legal structure to suit your needs, how to embrace and implement the ‘Governance Code’ in a proportionate but sound way that works best for your organisation and a few other hints and tips to make sure the red tape is tied up firmly.

We have limited space so reserve your spot for FREE here –



Persuading Through Story Telling     

Date: Friday 23 February 2024

Time: 10am-1pm

Venue – The Orchard.

By Workshops for Good

Would you like to be able to promote your cause more effectively?

Learn the  storytelling tools to engage and connect with potential funders, sponsors, volunteers and other stakeholders in crawley.

We have limited space so reserve your spot for FREE here – –


Improving your Productivity 

Date: Tuesday 12 March 2024

Time: 10am-1pm

Venue: Online

By Workshops for Good

Learn to manage the increasing amount of commitments, information and tasks in your work

In this workshop, you’ll learn tools and tips to make better choices, take quicker action and focus your attention and energy in the right places?

We have limited space so reserve your spot for FREE here –



Managing Difficult Conversations

Date: Tuesday 23 April 2024

Time: 10am-1pm.

Venue: The Orchard.

Build the knowledge, skills and confidence to have difficult and courageous conversations. It will help participants overcome their nerves and properly plan and execute any challenging conversations they need to have.

We have limited space so reserve your spot for FREE here – –


Training on Safeguarding 

Date: 22 May 2024       

Time: 10am-4.30pm.

Venue: The Orchard

Fee: £35 per person (lunch included)

Identify what is meant by safeguarding and child abuse Name the categories of child abuse and recognise the signs and indicators of each Recognise how own beliefs, experience and attitudes might influence professional involvement in safeguarding work Identify the relevant legislation and guidance that provides the framework for safeguarding children State how to respond to concerns about the safety and welfare of a child/young person, using their organisations’ child protection policy and procedures Identify the blocks to children & adults for reporting concerns State the key principles of information sharing, in order to communicate and record effectively, according to national guidance.
Limited to 2 spaces per organisation to ensure everyone gets the chance to sign up, if you would like more than 2 spaces please let us know and if there are spaces available towards the course date we will let you know. If you have any questions about pricing please get in-touch too, we would like to be as inclusive as possible

Book your place here –


Writing Case Studies 

Date: 9 May 2024

Time: 10.30am – 1pm.

Venue: The Orchard.

Trainer: Paul Mason, The Royal Literary Fund

A case study tells the story of a person, group or event. It is a structured approach to exploring ideas, explaining situations, demonstrating learning, reporting progress or celebrating your organisation’s success and the benefits for individuals, communities and other stakeholders. Case studies can also be useful for marketing and research. This 2½ hour workshop will help you to consider issues of structure and the key elements of a case study – introduction, context, needs, description of intervention(s), outcomes and benefits. You will also explore tone and style for different audiences (e.g. funders, other stakeholders and organisations, individuals, families and broader community).

We have limited space so reserve your spot for FREE here –


Writing Funding Applications  

Date: 4 June 2024

Time: 10am – 12.30pm.

Venue: Online (MS Teams).

Trainer: Robin Etherington, The Royal Literary Fund

This workshop will support you to understand the key principles of writing applications for funding.  During the workshop you will:

  • Learn how to develop a structured approach to project planning using a Theory of Change (ToC) model
  • Practise the ‘writing cycle’ – Think: Plan: Write: Edit

This an interactive sessions that use writing exercises and discussion based on real funders and application processes. As such, participants will explore how to interpret funding criteria; clarify their aims, objectives and outcomes; develop a structured ToC approach to project planning; and practise skills in organising information, formulating ideas and expressing themselves clearly, coherently and concisely.

We have limited space so reserve your spot for FREE here –


First Aid training at work    

Date: 26 June 2024               

Time: 9am – 4pm.

Venue: The Orchard

Trainer: 1066 Training

Fee: £20 per person (lunch included)

This course provides participants who are responsible for first aid in the workplace with a skillset so that they can identify incidents and manage them appropriately. All participants are required to attend the whole of the training and by the end of the course be able to demonstrate effectively all skills & complete a first aid quiz. On successful completion the Participant will receive a certificate and that is valid for 3 years.

Skills Covered:

  • Scene Assessment
  • Barrier Use
  • CPR
  • Use of an external defibrillator
  • Bleeding Management
  • Shock Management
  • Spinal Management
  • Temperature related Injuries
  • Choking
  • Workplace first aid regulations, provisions & duties

Reserve your spot –


Please note that once you register, please inform if you are unable to attend atleast 48hrs before. A fee of £10 will be charged for no shows.

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