01293 657 000The key aim of the network is to provide an inclusive forum for organisations dealing with poverty and homelessness within the borough together with housing providers, to discuss issues of concern, comment collectively on these issues to the Council and relevant agencies and, where appropriate, make recommendations for action.
The objectives are:
In order to progress priorities, the issues will be developed by a small subgroup of those with relevant experience to devise an action plan which will be brought back to the wider forum. Members should be prepared to participate in working groups to achieve implementation.
The network meets regularly to cover a wide spectrum of topical issues ranging from Council homelessness strategies and general housing advice, through to current headline topics. At each meeting an information sharing session takes place so that members are kept up to date on each-other’s working activities.
Take a look at our latest news relating to poverty and homelessness, plus details of our most recent meetings.
Please feel free to contact us or leave a message
Phone01293 657 000Email[email protected]Opening Times09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday
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