01293 657 000At Crawley Community Action our highly experienced team specialise in empowering local people to develop inclusive and responsive projects that build resilient and thriving neighbourhoods across Crawley.
CCA’s highly valued group development service is committed to empowering new, emerging, and established groups and projects to improve the health, wellbeing, and quality of life of the people and communities they serve. Whether you are a new or established community group, Charity, or Community Interest Company, we can offer comprehensive support to ensure that your project is effective, sustainable, and better connected. Our friendly and responsive Group Development Manager can assist your organisation at all stages of its development, to develop capacity and capabilities in line with your aspirations and mission.
We particularly specialise in providing guidance to new, emerging, and small groups, including those from diverse and marginalised communities to help address social, health and economic inequalities. This includes dedicated support around identifying small grant funding opportunities under £20,000, reviewing applications and developing fundraising plans.
We can:
If you think we could help your group, or you have an idea for a community project you would like to discuss, please contact Karl Parks, Group Development Manager via Email: [email protected] or 07716 641441
Developing an Equality and Diversity Policy
Developing a Fundraising Strategy
Model Template Safeguarding Policy – Children and Young People
Model Template Safeguarding Policy – Vulnerable Adults
Model Template Unincorporated Constitution
Effective Volunteer Management
Handbook And Information for Organisations Wishing to Have Volunteers Under 18 – Young Volunteers Guide – A must-needed Handbook
Resource Centre – Starting a group