Apply for The Together Fund



BME Youth is inviting clubs, groups, associations and organisations to apply for The Together Fund to deliver sports and physical activities to culturally diverse communities, disabled people, lower socioeconomic groups and people with long term health conditions to improve their health and wellbeing.


The Together Fund is a Sport England initiative which supports voluntary community organisations to recover and emerge from the long-term impacts of COVID-19.

It was previously known as the ‘Tackling Inequalities Fund’.

Whilst it was previously focused on providing an immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fund has now evolved. It now exists to help reduce the negative impacts of COVID-19 and help community groups to grow. It concentrates mainly on supporting these groups to reach and engage their audiences in movement and physical activity.


Read more & Apply here


Deadline – 31st March 2023. Applications are invited on a first come first serve basis and will close once all funds have been allocated.

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