Lucy Stone No Stone Unturned Fundraising Webinars 2025


Lucy Stone from No Stone Unturned Fundraising, has worked in the Charity sector for over 20 years and has raised £97 million. Lucy specialises in supporting grassroots community organisations in Sussex and arts/ culture sector organisations. She helps them to raise more through trusts and foundations, diversify their income and make better connections with their funders and supporters. Through her consultancy No Stone Unturned Fundraising, Lucy is currently supporting a range of organisations including Music Venue Trust, Brighton Youth Centre, Blue Cabin, The Hygiene Band and Attitude is Everything. Lucy is also a proud trustee of Pelican Parcels, Brighton & Hove’s only baby bank.

Connect with Lucy

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Month         Topic
AprilTBCMeet the funders
MayWed 14th May

10-11.30 am

Prospecting and Research: How do you find the right funders for you?
JuneThurs 12th June

10-11.30 am

Measuring your Impact: Making the most of your evaluation and monitoring for your fundraising.
JulyTues 15th July


Writing for Impact: How can you make your applications and letters to trusts and foundations stand out?
AugustNo Session
SeptWed 10th  Sept

10 – 11.30 am

Ask Lucy Anything About Fundraising!
OctThurs 16th Oct

1 – 2.30pm

Untapped Fundraising Potential: How can you find new ways to raise funds?
Nov – Trustee WeekTues 4th Nov

6 – 7.30pm

Trustee Training – Fundraising: Where can trustees start?
DecTues 9th Dec

10 – 11.30am

Managing your relationships with your donors and funders.

Prospecting and Research: How do you find the right funders for you?

How can you do great research about Trusts, Foundations and Grants before you make an application? Where do you look for information and vitally – what is that information telling you? We will explore a range of FREE and paid resources and how to make the most of them. You will also leave the session knowing how to use the Charity Commission website for your Trust fundraising research.


Measuring your Impact: Making the most of your evaluation and monitoring for your fundraising


It is vital that people and organisations we ask to support our work understand what impact their donations will have. Evaluation, monitoring and impact measurement are essential tools for fundraising.

Do you know your outputs from your outcomes?

Are you unsure what you need to measure and what people might be interested in? Do you collect lots of information but aren’t sure what to do?

Do you want to use your data, case studies and stories more effectively in your fundraising?

Then this session is for you! In this session we will explore –

  • Why do you need to talk about impact?
  • What’s the difference between impact, outcomes, outputs and inputs?
  • How do you develop an evaluation framework?
  • What is a Theory of Change and do you need one?
  • What are the different ways you can use the data and stories that you collect?


Writing for Impact: How can you make your applications and letters to trusts and foundations stand out?

 Writing for funders is a key part of a fundraisers work

  • Do you want to write better letters to funders?
  • Are your applications lacking impact?
  • Could your case for support stand out more?

This session is about how to make your writing and applications clearer and stand out. We will use examples to highlight key information and explore the common traps people fall into.

In this session we will explore:

  • Using behavioural economics to transform your charity messaging
  • Top tips on what works including language and layout
  • Funders pet peeves
  • Types of writing including Free Form Applications, Letters and Applications
  • Case for support: what are the key messages you need to include
  • Useful resources


Ask Lucy Anything About Fundraising!

Can come with any questions about fundraising and Lucy will do what she can to help you! We can talk about anything! Come and share your success and frustrations, ask questions and let’s learn together!


Untapped Fundraising Potential: How can you find new ways to raise funds?

Do you want to

  • Find new ways of raising funds?
  • Understand where your untapped potential is?

A good range of income streams helps an organisation to be more financially resilient and can reduce the impact of reduced funding in one income area. Many not-for-profits start their fundraising journey with Trusts and Foundations before exploring new ways to raise funds. However, many are unsure how to start individual giving, major donor or challenge events fundraising. That is where this session can help! We will explore how to

  • Understand your untapped potential for new income
  • Recognise what you need to do to ‘get your ducks a row’.
  • Create a plan that you can implement and sustain long


Trustee Training – Fundraising: Where can trustees start?

During which we will consider:

  • What are the different fundraising options open to you?
  • How do you know which options are right for your organisation?
  • What are the practical first steps you can take to diversify your income?
  • How can you support everyone in the organisation to help with fundraising?


Managing your relationships with your donors and funders

Do you want to

  • Have better connections with your donors and supporters?
  • Find more touchpoints and exceed expectations?
  • Enjoy your relationships with your donors and supporters?


Underpinning successful fundraising needs to be fantastic stewardship to build long term relationships. We must at all times remember that “They are not your donors, you are one of their charities” (Mark Phillips), importantly, it is that we are one of their charities. The relationships need to be personal, supported, appropriate and at times unexpected. In this session we will explore

  • developing relationships so funders and donors are long term partners
  • how to understand and exceed funders requirements and expectations
  • create a relationship management and stewardship plan that you can achieve and sustain long term.

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