01293 657 000This is how we performed this year so far in numbers.
We supported 62 community groups, charities, and social enterprises through in-depth advice, guidance, and mentoring. Delivered 355 support interventions focused on governance, organisational development, and income generation and helped secure over £85,000 in external funding for organisations through application review support. We supported 5,000 people through groups at The Orchard Community Hub we opperate.
Crawley Volunteers have delivered 13 training courses, providing valuable skills and knowledge to 154 people. There are 355 people registered for our Volunteer Matchmaking Service. We supported 80 volunteers with additional needs, helping them engage in meaningful activities.
Crawley Social Prescribing team have provided 610 clients with social prescribing support to improve their overall health and wellbeing. 90% among clients have achieved improved wellbeing post-intervention. We reached 36% of clients from the most deprived areas, addressing critical needs.
Overall, we conducted 25 organisational health checks, ensuring sustainability and growth, hosted 30 community outreach events, drop-in sessions, and coffee mornings to foster connection and engagement.
Our website views crossed 50k with more than 13k users benefitting from the information & direct communication service facilities. Websites now allows to book rooms at The Orchard, submit jobs to be posted, start membership and contact us for general query. Social media channels boom with 86k reach for views over 740 social posts. We are now circulating our newsletter to 454 subscribers and produced 26 of them fortnightly.
The numbers speak about our success and reflects the hardwork each one of us have put through this year though the emotions, happy faces and thankful eyes couldn’t be mapped ! We thank all our funders, supporters and well wishers for their belief and constant support ushered to us in all possible ways and would love to work with them and serve the community in days to come !
We’ve had a very busy and exciting year at CCA, hosting events, developing new projects, helping community groups and charities, welcoming new volunteers and team members and supporting our local community.
So to wrap up 2023, we have taken a look at everything we’ve achieved this year.