Hot Desking Facility
Crawley Community Action is now providing Hot Desking facilities to local community groups, charities, and other organisations. Here are the details for the service on offer:
- Desks will be available during CCA office hours only (9.00 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
- To be sure of its availability, pre-booking with full payment is essential
- Desks will be available at the following rates:
- Voluntary and Community Organisations – £25 per day
- Private, for profit and other enterprises – £30 per day
- Booking fees are non-refundable however they may be transferable to another available time. This is to be taken up and mutually agreed with the premises manager.
- All payments to be made via bank transfer.
- A copy of photo ID (driving license, passport) and other verifiable organisational information will be required before booking confirmation.
The following services are available for people using a Hot Desk:

For Booking and more information, please contact our premises manager, Lillias McGurk at [email protected] or dial 01293 657002.